Wednesday 12 February 2014


After creating Autisticate last year, then discovering in November that the only way which would be right for the company would be for it to become a not for profit business. Effectively becoming a Registered Charity at the first available moment. Autisticate provides schools with software development workshops for children with autism spectrum conditions, these challenge the pupils and give them another option when thinking about leaving school. Becoming a registered charity will allow me to develop this, and enable me to help children who may not have the access to further education which is suited to them, due to funds, availability or even location. The money raised from being a charity will help with those challenges and will give grants and iPad donations to children who would thrive from having access to one.
I am aiming to register Autisticate as a charity in January 2015, in which from then on, I will focus all my fundraising efforts on this. Therefore I am setting myself the challenge of completing a skydive in October 2014 to raise funds for my favourite charities.

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