Wednesday 12 February 2014


Seven Charities
So, I have lots of interests, and charities I am passionate about. I just couldn’t decide which ones to fundraise for, and although it is a lot, it just means I will have to fundraise more. The first two charities I will be supporting are:
Help For Heroes:

I chose Help for Heroes as i’m sure everyone is effected by the armed forces. I am sure we all know at least one person who is in one of the armed forces or know a friend of a friend who is serving. Help for Heroes give loved ones the peace of mind, that if something should ever happen to their hero, that they will be there to support them and give the armed serviceman or woman the support to get on with their life, or back into service.
Dogs Trust:

Seeing dogs being abused and abandoned breaks not only my heart, but im sure many of yours. The defenceless animals who have had a cruel life and end up at one of the Dogs Trust are the lucky ones, as the Dogs Trust will never put a healthy dog down, they are constantly in need of building new shelters for the thousands of dogs they save each year. I saved my dog from what I have no doubt that he would have been abandoned cannot imagine where he would have ended up, had I not took him home. Dogs Trust is there for the dogs we cant save, and im sure you agree do wonderful work. On a lighter note, this is Bobby, who I saved!

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